Cards + Bingo = Flash Fives

Cards + Bingo = Flash Fives

Thought you knew Bingo? Think again!

Flash Fives is a different BINGO game brought to you by 888Ladies with fast gameplay, quick wins and an exciting format just waiting to spice things up!

How the new game works:

  • Purchase a ticket to enter a game
  • Each ticket contains 5 playing cards
  • Once a card is called it’s covered by a chip
  • Cover all 5 cards and win the game!

It’s fun, exciting and super simple to play.

Find out what all the fuss is about every day from 6pm – 1am on Specials Tab


Terms and conditions:

  • 52-5 bingo is played with playing cards instead of numbered bingo balls.
  • Each ticket is called a ‘hand’ and includes 5 playing cards out of the standard 52-card deck (jokers excluded).
  • Cards are called randomly and if they appear on the player’s ticket, they are covered by a chip.
  • The first player to cover all 5 playing cards on a ticket wins the game.
  • 52-5 games only have one winning pattern, the Full House, which occurs when all 5 cards on at least one purchased ticket are covered.
  • In order to play, it is required that you purchase at least 1 ticket in a game of 52-5 bingo.
  • If a player gets a Full House on their bingo ticket, the game will end and a winning message will appear including the names of the winner(s).
  • If more than 1 player wins a single game, the jackpot will be distributed evenly between the winners.
  • This is an ongoing promotion, currently without an end date. We will provide reasonable notice of when the promotion is to come to an end.
  • In exceptional cases, 888Ladies may conclude promotions, bonuses or special offers before the end of advertised period or may prolong the period of a promotion, bonus or special offer for example due to security or bonus abuse issues.
  • 888ladies Bingo’s Full bonus policy applies.
  • 888ladies Bingo’s full terms & conditions apply.
  • last updated 09.01.17